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Our patent protected UP Technology is the simplest and fastest way to produce hydrogen, creating two products simultaneously,

H2 + O2

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UP ‘Unique Power’ has the power to transform the green energy industry using water splitting technology by *thermolysis. Thermolysis is the dissociation or decomposition of material because of heating, a process in which heat supplied to water or steam leads to the break up of water (H2O) molecules thereby releasing hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) which are extracted at that moment. 


Energy is what moves the world. Energy may be abstract, but it is essential to our existence, and it is measurable. Energy is in some 20 different forms, which we know under different names from what we eat, to what we use to warm and light us, to what we use to move from one place to another.

Energy has a cost and a price and we are proud to show you that the UHTP energy is profitable in whatever form our two disruptive technologies take. Energy is running human societies and their economies. Energy conversions are the very basis of life and evolution.

Our energies are expressed in our two technologies UP (Unique Power) and in HIH (Highpowered Intrinsic Heating).

In our world the easy access to cheap and clean energy, in any of its forms, is rare. The consequence is inequalities from individuals to nations.

Compared with present situation, the exploitation of UP/HIH technology is a global solution to give access to cheap and clean energy.

At the same time the margins are such, in the competition with traditional energy sources, that UHTP licensees will find that cheap energy can be profitable. Living costs can with UP/HIH start going downhill for everybody everywhere and those driving it will make huge profits.

Contact Us For More Detailed Information On UP Technology

*Thermolysis is chemical decomposition by heating. If a reaction is endothermic, heat is required for the reaction to proceed. If the reaction is exothermic, the reaction proceeds spontaneously after initiation, which sometimes causes explosion.

UP and HIH are thermal

Thermal means recover of energy, and UP/HIH are often excellent in energy recovery. For instance, the water splitter application can split 9 kg water for less than 45 kWh and can by use of waste heat/steam do with less than that.

The whole concept of the water splitter with its double walls, with its extraction of the oxygen (O2) at 2200°C when entering a UHT heat exchanger, with the hydrogen (H2) going another road to meet the incoming steam, so that when replenishing the reactor chamber, the steam is pre-heated to about 1700°C, they are all factors contributing to an excellent economy. The result is that splitting the 9 kg water gives 1 kg H2 + 8 kg O2 (always) for a cost below 2.50 € and makes it highly competitive.

Water Drops
Planet Made of Plastic

UP/HIH are Eco-Friendly

They are simple with few moving items (just water and gas pumps), and of course recyclable.

There is only one reactant in any combustion, and that is oxygen. Without O2 no combustion, and O2 can strangely enough not burn, and is acting as a catalyst. It is believed that human discovered how to make a fire some 800 000 years ago. Since then, practically all combustion has been done with air. However, air has only 21 % O2 but 79 % nitrogen, which is inert and just a heavy burden to heat up to flame temperature. So, burning with air is indeed not efficient. It is much better to burn with pure O2, because the flue gases are reduced with some 75 % and so is the CO2. Burning with pure O2 means higher temperatures. UHTP has developed new UHT materials, which can withstand such temperatures and make combustion, finally, very profitable.

You simply replace the needed 18 kg air with 2.8 kg pure and cheap O2 (coming from the water splitter).

UP/HIH and Ceramics

We live in a metal world with a steel production of 1.9505 bn ton in 2021. Steel withstands temperatures up to about 1600°C. If we want to pass over that temperature, we must use ceramics.

Our ancestors discovered the ceramic some 10 000 years (long before the metals). They made pottery, statues, and tools of simple ceramics. Today, ceramics are reborn and UHTP has developed an efficient way to use them in industrialized form. UHTP has developed brand new ceramics, which can withstand 2400°C in oxidizing atmosphere. This latter characteristic is very important. UHTP has tried oxides and is ready to enter carbides, nitrides, and borides with the goal to use operational temperatures exceeding 3000°C.

Ceramics are made for its special purpose and testing is capital. Calculations, intuition, and time cutting are highly needed. The result is that UHTP can in 4 days develop, dry, sinter and test a new ceramic product when the traditional ceramists use up to 4 months for the same operation.

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UP/HIH Are Profitable

In our world the easy access to cheap and clean energy, in any of its forms, is rare. The consequence is inequalities from individuals to nations.

Compared with present situation, the exploitation of UP/HIH is a global solution to give access to cheap and clean energy. At the same time the margins are such, in the competition with traditional energy sources, that UHTP licensees will find that cheap energy can be profitable. Living costs can with UP/HIH start going downhill for everybody everywhere and those driving it will make huge profits.

According to recent estimations by DOE (US department of energy) the H2 production must reach some 500 million ton in 2030. Saving 10 kWh per kg H2 would mean an astronomic total and with UP/HIH you can do it. The good consequences of lowering energy cost will be of size.

The most common definition of energy is “the capacity for doing work”. Richard Feynman added “act of producing a change of configuration in a system in opposition to a force, which resists that change”. UHTP considers that it is its duty to promote the change.

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Using UP Technology to create green hydrogen contributes to decarbonising the energy system, which is currently based on fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas.


Green hydrogen can be used as a raw material in synthesising other industrial products, as a substitute for grey hydrogen from natural gas, which produces significant CO2 emissions, and also as a clean industrial fuel.

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